Medicinal plants are of great importance to the health of individuals and communities. Plants as abortifacient and as contraceptive were well known to the ancient physicians of india. Through the chemical tests in the methanolic extracts of leaves of the five investigated plants, it is. This study was designed to investigate the profile of certain trace elements having therapeutic properties related to diabetes mellitus. Grampositive bacteria were more sensitive than gramnegative bacteria to the plant extracts. Medicinal plants have been used to treat human diseases for thousands of years because they have vast and diverse assortment of organic compounds that can produce a definite physiological action on the human body. According to an estimate, 120 or so plant based drugs prescribed for use through the world come from just 95 plant species 4. The red list status of selected european medicinal plants at the european and eu. According to world health organization, medicinal plants would be the greatest source to obtain an array of drugs. Fresh plantplant parts were collected randomly from the semiarid region of rajkot gujarat, india. Medicinal plants have been as remedies for human diseases because of its chemical contents of therapeutic value. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring compounds in medicinal plants which have defense mechanism and protect various. Moringa concanensis is a medicinal plant belonging to the family moringaceae fig.
India has tremendous wealth of aromatic and medicinal plants. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. General techniques involved in phytochemical analysis. Phytochemical constituents of some medicinal plants in south west, nigeria afolabi f, and afolabi o. Phytochemical analysis of traditional medicinal plants and.
Medicinal plants, trade, conservation, equity, botanicals, pharmaceuticals, bioprospecting. But private entrepreneurial initiatives of large scale production of medicinal plants, which grow naturally in the study area, are to be found lethargic. European red list of medicinal plants european commission. However, the rationale for the utilization of medicinal plants has rested largely on longterm clinical experience with little or no scientific data on.
Plant tissue homogenization in solvent has been widely used by researchers. Cumulative index of medicinal plants in alphabetical order of latin binomial plant name. Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants 3. Medicinal plantsderived natural antioxidants, which are in the form of raw extracts andor chemical constituents, are very efficient to block the process of oxidation by neutralizing free radicals 3. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis of. Antibacterial and phytochemical studies on twelve species of. Phytochemicals defined in the strictest sense, as chemicals produced by plants.
Various medicinal plant extracts have been tested for their antifertility activity both in male and. As of record around 20,000 plant species are in use for medicinal purposes. There is a reasonable likelihood that medicinal plants with a long history of human use will ultimately yield novel drug prototypes eshrat and hussain, 2002. Phytochemical screening of some plants used in herbal based. They can occur in vegetables, grains, legumes, beans, fruits, herbs, nuts, roots, leaves and seeds.
The present study was undertaken to investigate the phytochemical constituents of. Indigenous uses and pharmacological activity of traditional. The therapeutic potential of plants has been well explored over a very long time period. Toxicity of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in. There is a general belief amongst the consumers globally that herbal drugs are always safe because they are natural. Other plants produce substances that deter browsing by insects and herbivores. Phytochemicals found in medicinal herbs or plants list. Asteraceae with 322 species and fabaceae 154 species are the two largest plant families in kansas. The investigated plants were aloe camperi, meriandra dianthera, lepidium sativum, brassica nigra, and nigella sativa. Most important of such compounds are alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins and phenolic compounds. With the development of chemical science and pharmacognosy physicians began to extract chemical products from medicinal plants. The whole plant is astringent, depurative, emetic, febrifuge, ophthalmic, purgative, styptic and tonic. Herbal plants play an important role in preventing and treating of human diseases.
Important medicinal phytochemicals such as terpenoids, reducing sugar, flavonoids, alkaloids and phlobatannins were present in the samples. Phytochemicals, also known as phytonutrients, are natural nonessential chemical compounds found in plants phyto is a greek word meaning plant. Phytochemicals are compounds that give plants their color, flavor, and smell. Water and methanol extracts were most effective to prohibit growth of all the harmful bacteria tested. Medicinal plants international journal of phytomedicines. Medicinal plants are a rich source of bioactive phytochemicals or bionutrients. Profile of trace elements in selected medicinal plants used. Medicinal plants, allelopathy, phytochemical, mount bamboutos, wabane, cameroon preliminary screening of phytochemicals is a valuable step in the detection of bioactive principles present in medicinal plants and may lead to novel environmentally friendly bioherbicides and drug discovery. An ethnobotanical study of plants used for the treatment of. Medicinal plants, allelopathy, phytochemical, mount bamboutos, wabane, cameroon preliminary screening of phytochemicals is a valuable step in the detection of bioactive principles present in medicinal plants and may lead to novel environmentally friendly bioherbicides and.
In current days medicinal plants play a key role as pillar of traditional healthcare systems of medicine in many developing countries. As medicinal plants receive increased scientific and commercial attention, there is increasing pressure on the. Below are several examples of active plant ingredients that provide medicinal plant uses for humans. Phytochemical analysis and comprehensive evaluation of. Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants occurring in. Refaz ahmad dar, mohd shahnawaz, parvaiz hassan qazi. Natural antimicrobials can be derived from plants, animal tissues and microorganisms5. There is no single database that combines all aspects of medicinal plants under one forum. Extraction and phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants. The past decade has witnessed a tremendous resurgence in the interest and use of medicinal plant products, especially in north america. J applied sciences department, faculty of science, osun state polytechnic, iree, osun state, nigeria. Phytochemicals from medicinal plants are receiving ever greater attention in the scientific literature, in medicine, and in the world economy in general. Thus, such plants should be investigated to better understanding for their properties, safety practices in addition to usefulness 7. Medicinal plants have always had great significance in culture, medicine and.
These plants are traditionally used in the management of diabetes in eritrea. The asteraceae have many wellknown genera of medicinal plants in kansas, including echinacea coneflower, achillea yarrow, artemisia mugwortwormwood, erigeron fleabane, solidago goldenrods and symphyotrichum. The study revealed 14 plant species belonging to six families namely. It is present in large amount in the tamil nadu state, india. Medicinal plants is an international journal, covering all aspects of phytomedicine, medicinal crop cultivation, ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacognosy, conservation, resource development and biotechnology and related industries.
Phytochemical screening of some compounds from plant leaf. The nature has been a source of medicinal agents for thousands of years and an impressive number of modern drugs have been isolated from natural sources. Medicinal plants medicinal plants constitute an effective source of both traditional and modern medicines herbal medicine has been shown to have genuine utility about 80% of rural population depends on it as primary health care. Dried or wet, fresh plant parts are grinded in a blender to fine particles, put in a certain quantity of solvent and shaken vigorously for 5 10 min or left for 24 h after which the extract is filtered. Future source of new drugs arvind kumar shakya abstract india has a long history and strong base for ayurveda, which is the traditional herbal medical system. Phytochemical importance of medicinal plants as potential.
Concerns regarding the safety and toxicity of medicinal. Antioxidant properties of several medicinal plants growing. Most traditional medicines are developed from nature. The disciplines of ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology define medicinal plant as those species used in traditional medicine that contain. Phytochemical analysis of methanolic extracts of leaves of. A pharmacological and phytochemical study of medicinal. Six of the top 20 prescriptions dispensed in 1996 were natural products and the clinical use of drugs such as artemisinin, etoposide and taxol has once more focussed attention on plants as. In the present work twelve different medicinal plants each belonging to different families was evaluated for their antibacterial properties.
Four medicinal plants including ranunculus arvensis, equisetum ravens, carathamus lanatus and fagonia critica were used for the study. Dec 06, 20 different online medicinal plant databases provide information about geographical distribution, classification, activities i. Mar 02, 2016 2 seminar on extraction and phytochemical analysis of medicinal plants by shameembanu a. Phytochemical screening of selected indigenous medicinal. Phytochemical screening of the bioactive compounds in.
An ethnobotanical study of plants used by the traditional healers, herbalists and rural dwellers for the treatment of diabetes mellitus was conducted in the eastern cape province. Laird department of anthropology, university college london, uk keywords. A pharmacological and phytochemical study of medicinal plants. Preliminary phytochemical screening of different solvent. Medicinal plants are considered a repository of numerous types of bioactive compounds possessing varied therapeutic properties. As populations age and consumers preference for natural health products increases, medicinal plants present a niche that exporters in many least developed countries ldcs are looking. All the plants were biologically active and were used for. In vitro antioxidant, antibacterial and phytochemical. These compounds are thought to be largely responsible for the. Since from the ancient times, several drugs have been formulated using the bioactive compounds present in these medicinal plants 1. Pharmacological data were collected by conducting informal interviews with local experienced doctors practicing traditional chinese medicine and via openended questionnaires on villagers. Capitalizing on the bioeconomic value of multipurpose. Capitalizing on the bioeconomic value of multipurpose medicinal plants for the rehabilitation of drylands in subsaharan africa 11 medicinal plants1 are both the oldest known source of human and livestock healthcare products and an important component of global biodiversity. Different online medicinal plant databases provide information about geographical distribution, classification, activities i.
Finding out the economic value of ethno medicinal plants is a holistic approach. Contributions of medicinal plants to care and health. Cowmann, 1999 and banso and olutimayin 2001 reported that plants contain a wide variety of active principles. Phytochemical screening of medicinal plants research papers. The use of plants for healing purpose is getting increasingly popular as they are believed to be beneficial and free of side effects. Asteraceae, hypoxidaceae, apocynaceae, asphodelaceae, apiaceae and buddlejaceae.
The present study was undertaken to investigate the phytochemical constituents of leaves of four. The result of the phytochemical analysis shows that the ten plants are rich in at least one of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, reducing sugars and phlobatannins. Already, about 15,000 medicinal plant species may be threatened with extinction worldwide. The medicinal power of these plants lies in phytochemical constituents that cause definite pharmacological actions on the human body akinmoladun et al, 2007. This book serves as an introduction to the constituents of medicinal plants. For those studying medical herbology, it is an invaluable little reference book and introduction into the chemistry of plants. Lutein found in high quantities in plants belonging to the genus nasturtium, in herbs like dandelion leaves, in vegetables such as spinach and kale and in yellow carrots and turnips. This study was carried out to investigate the indigenous use and pharmacological activity of traditional medicinal plants of mount taibai, china. Chemical analysis and biochemical assays are very important aspects in pharmacognostic evaluation of medicinal plants choudhury et al. People have been using plants as a traditional medicine for thousand years ago.
Thus plants remain a major source of medicinal compounds. Understanding them and how they affect the body is crucial for those desiring to raise themselves above the occasional herbal hobbyist. Below are several examples of active plant ingredients that. The journal is published quarterly and is now in 8th year of its successful publication. A few examples of the products extracted from medicinal plants are in 1920. Eclipta prostrata compositae is a herbaceous multibranched annual weed of moist places with long lanceolate leaves, hirsute stem and white flowers in axillary heads. Medicinal plants at risk center for biological diversity. Some plants produce chemicals that act as herbicides to inhibit the growth of competing plants, such as the salicylic acid produced by willows. Medicinal plants for forest conservation and health care fao. Medicinal plants used in the traditional medicine are wellknown significant sources of natural antioxidants.
Surveys of plant medicinal usage by the american public have shown an increase from just about 3% of the population in 1991 to over 37% in 1998 brevoort, 19981. The medicinal value of these plants lies in some chemical substances that produce a definite physiological action on the human body edeoga et al. Finding out the economic value of ethnomedicinal plants is a holistic approach. Flavonoids and phenolic acids are the most persistent groups of plant phenolics therefore they play significant role in plants and human health, thus it is important to better understanding of flavonoid awareness with biological behavior that could indicate their potentials as therapeutic agents. Medicinal plants derived natural antioxidants, which are in the form of raw extracts andor chemical constituents, are very efficient to block the process of oxidation by neutralizing free radicals 3. Introduction the value of medicinal plants in drug discovery is known to us well and the human being used them for various purposes from the beginning of the human history farnsworth, 2008. Medicinal plants, preliminary, screening, phytochemical. Pdf phytochemical analysis of selected medicinal plants. Plants for the presented assays were collected in northern peru fig. Phytochemical, natural compound occur in plants such as medicinal plants, vegetables and fruits that work with nutrients. Concerns regarding the safety and toxicity of medicinal plants an overview abstract all over the world, especially in developing countries herbal drugs are playing an available. View phytochemical screening of medicinal plants research papers on academia.
A truncated history of the contribution of plants to medicine is given with reference to some of the less well known ancestors of the harborne family. Phytochemical screening of the bioactive compounds in twenty. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of some medicinal plants. The vast array of therapeutic effects associated with medicinal plants includes antiinflammatory, antiviral, antitumor. Acacia concina fruit, citrus limon fruit, curcuma longa rhizome, rosa indica petals and spindus mucorosi fruit, which were commonly used in various cosmetic preparations were selected 5 gm each of plant samples dissolved in 30 ml ethanol and water separately to obtain plant extracts. In india, the ayurvedic system has features a numerous of such medicinal remedies on plants.
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